
One patient.
One therapist.
One hour.

Allison Youngblood Stowers is a licensed physical therapist who earned her clinical doctorate in physical therapy from Georgia State University. She is Certified in Dry Needling as well as a Certified Running Gait Analyst.  A love of rock climbing and a dedication to its outdoor community brought Allison and her husband to Chattanooga, TN. That same love of climbing and the rehabilitation of common injuries seen among climbers are what ultimately lead Allison down her professional path.

Along her journey, she was intrigued by the common issue of pelvic pain and urinary incontinence among high-level athletes and women in general. Thus, her further educational pursuit into pelvic floor rehab through the Herman and Wallace pelvic rehabilitation institute.  As a mom herself, she loves to help keep women moving during pregnancy and beyond.

At Peak Fitness and Physical Therapy, she provides one on one guidance for climbers, runners, & other outdoor athletes in the Chattanooga community and offers virtual consultations via Zoom for those beyond. Allison teaches free workshops for climbers in her community and has presented at national conferences for physical therapists.  She serves as an area rep for the Southeastern Climbing Coalition and is a Wilderness First Responder.